Environmental Impacts of Wet Wipes Containing Plastic
The Rising Demand of Wet Wipes
The use of antibacterial wipes has literally skyrocketed in the light of the global pandemic. They have become ubiquitous, integrated into our daily lives whether at the gym, the supermarket, in the workplace or at home. (Or, to put things into perspective, in 2018 the global antibacterial wipes market was valued at US$ 4,5 billion in 2018 and is projected to reach a staggering US$ 16,1 billion by 2030.)
Sadly, this unprecedented demand comes at a high price with detrimental effects on our planet. The problem with your average wet wipes is that they contain plastic, which means that they don’t dissolve or disappear – despite being labelled as ‘flushable’. (The cardinal rule is that you should never flush wet wipes, but dispose of them responsibly with general waste instead.)
Wipes Containing Plastic Are Bad for our Planet
As a result of this, we’ve witnessed revolting images of wet wipe fatbergs, which not only cause massive blocks in our sewer systems and pollute our waterways, but make their way to our oceans and beaches endangering marine wildlife. Sea turtles and other sea creatures often mistake wet wipes floating beneath the ocean surface for jellyfish and ingest them whole, eventually resulting in death.
The good news is that there is a much better, earth-friendly alternative to these ordinary wet wipes. And the demand is rising for more natural wipe solutions as awareness is increasing.
Let us introduce you to bamboo wipes!
Why Choose Antibacterial Bamboo Wipes?
Bamboo is one of the most sustainable materials on the planet, and can be used to produce almost everything that plastic can. Think of it as mother nature’s own natural power resource.
It is in fact a type of grass and grows super-fast in abundance without the need for fertilizers and pesticides. (Certain types of bamboo grows almost a meter a day, or an inch every 40 minutes !) It also regenerates naturally after harvesting, releasing 35% more oxygen into the air compared to trees of the same size.
Bamboo wipes are soft, absorbent and breathable made from 100% natural fibres making them not only biodegradable but compostable, too. They are also gentler on the skin than your ordinary wipes containing plastic.
In a bid to reduce landfill and minimise our carbon footprint whilst doing it, we have introduced Need Wipes Bio Wipes, which are made from 100% bamboo. They have been ethically and organically produced by our carefully selected bamboo farmers, who adhere to sustainable practices. On the back of everything we now know, we see no reason whatsoever to continue using wet wipes containing plastic, and it seems like we’re moving towards a ban on wet wipes.
Your business can do your bit for the environment too. Join us in our effort to free the world from plastic wet wipes by choosing Need Wipes 100% Natural Bamboo Wipes. There is no planet B after all.